New report – our first 18 months
We are excited to release the ILETC Phase One report 2016-2017 today. This report is a snapshot of our activities and findings from the first 18 months and introduces our plans for the current...
We are excited to release the ILETC Phase One report 2016-2017 today. This report is a snapshot of our activities and findings from the first 18 months and introduces our plans for the current...
Announcing our next workshop for teachers – Canberra, Wednesday 22 March 4-6pm at Charles Weston Primary School. This workshop will focus on the teachers’ experiences while transitioning to an innovative learning environment. To benefit from...
In 2015 the ILETC project commissioned a pilot project to better understand the process of achieving change in mindframes. The research was conducted by students within a graduate studio ‘Transforming mindsets’ as part of a Master...
The project initiation stage is almost complete, with finalisation of all partner agreements expected in the coming weeks. To date the project team have been working hard to establish key positions and project infrastructure....