New Zealand Ministry of Education


The New Zealand Ministry of Education supports the development and use of innovative (or modern) learning environments  in New Zealand schools with a range of websites, resources and funding initiatives:

  • Innovative Learning Environments website provides a broad perspective on the Ministry’s policies using video and photos of schools with range of environments.
  • Flexible Learning Spaces in Schools website provides tools and guidelines on school design, property management and space standards.
  • Planning an innovative learning environment website – This guide provides strategies and suggestions for developing innovative learning environments (ILE) that work for all learners. It focuses on supporting schools that are planning a new build or building modifications.
  • Enabling ELearning is an online hub supporting use of digital learning.
  • Funding for a range of initiatives that support innovative approaches to teaching and learning;
  • A range of videos on Youtube which capture the development of new schools, teachers and students insights into teaching and learning in these spaces.


