Survey 1 – Space Design and Use Survey

The Space Design and Use survey (Survey 1) was conducted between October and December 2016 in Australia and New Zealand. The aims of the survey were to identify the range of learning spaces in schools, the teaching practices and types of learning that occur in schools. It gave schools, a chance to contribute to greater understanding of these issues. Also by completing this initial brief survey, schools may have the opportunity to participate in future project activities exploring how teachers can best utilise their learning spaces.


A report on the survey findings is available here and fact sheet summary here.

Collecting further data

The survey tool will remain open to enable all schools who didn’t participate in the initial survey to contribute to a database of learning spaces in Australian and New Zealand schools.  This information will be used to build a broader picture of the learning spaces and teaching practices occurring in schools across New Zealand and all Australian states.

  • To complete the survey in English please click here. Or copy and paste, this URL into your browser:
  • To complete the survey in Maori, please click here. Or copy and paste, this URL into your browser:

Further information about the survey is available in the Plain Language Statement.

Approval to conduct research

This project has received approval for research activities in schools from: