
Upcoming events


Past Events:

  • August-September 2017 – Transitions – Industry Think Tanks, Melbourne, London and Grand Rapids. A half day meeting of invited industry representatives to explore how industry and academic research can build increased knowledge and product development capacity through greater collaboration in research.
  • 2016-17 Regional workshops for teachers.
  • 9th – 10th February, 2017 – Talking Spaces – Annual conference showcasing current research in learning environments, Melbourne School of Design, The University of Melbourne.
  • 21st November, 2016. 10am – 3pm. A QLD Department of Education event. Research Partnerships making a difference – A showcase of DET funded research partnerships. here.
  • 9th November 2016,  8:30am to 3:15pmA short course on Classroom Acoustics – How Innovative Learning Environments are Changing the Educational Playing Field at Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre, South Bank as part of Acoustics 2016. Details here.  This course is for acousticians, government agencies, architects, educational facility managers, educationalists, principals, teachers and anyone else who is committed to improving the educational environment and promoting enhanced learning outcomes for the current and future generations of students.
  • Project Launch University of Melbourne, 2 June, 2016.The official launch of the project and meeting of all project partners.