The Australian Science and Mathematics School (ASMS) is a purpose built government senior secondary school (Yr 10-12) located on the campus of Flinders University in Adelaide, South Australia. The school’s design features flexible and innovative learning spaces and pedagogy that embraces the school’s vision of Extraordinary Learning driven by curiosity and challenge, inspiring passion and confidence and uses learning design principles to guide approaches to teaching.
ASMS was founded in 2003 to provide leadership for reform and innovation in science and mathematics education through curriculum development, research, and professional learning services. Over the last 10 years, the school has supported many other schools to develop innovative approaches to mathematics and science education based on the approaches developed at ASMS. The school has a number of key successes, such as the development of an open learning environment, interdisciplinary learning programs, and pedagogy that enhances the success of students in STEM learning.
The school is active in researching and reviewing the impact of their teaching and programs, with outcomes presented and published.
- Teaching in teams is a key element of practice at the school and involves regular and ongoing reflection and review. This video and poster provide some insights and recent research.
- Fostering the development of self directed learners. Presented at AARE, 2017.
- The role of open learning environments (Hyde, 2016)
- Teachers’ learning in an innovative school (Bissaker and Heath, 2005)
The school also participates in external research projects extend and share their knowledge and practice:
- OECD Innovative Learning Environments report case study of ASMS.
- Partner in Learning Environments Applied Research Network
- Research Project partner on ARC Linkage Project, Evaluating 21st Century Learning Environments.
- LEaRN partner informed projects,
- Post-occupancy evaluation of learning environments 2011-2012 (funded by LEaRN); 2012-2013 (Commissioned project, funded by the Catholic Education Office Melbourne (CEOM))
- From principles to practical application: Developing and sustaining innovative educational practices in innovative learning environments, 2012-2013.