A selection of conference presentations by project team members:
- Mahat, M. Navigating the Mind set shift: Using Physical Space to Develop Students’ 21st Century Learning Skills. Presented at National Institute of Education, NTU, Singapore. Jan 23, 2020.
- Imms, W. Fourteen things that help teachers use innovative learning environments well. Presented at Education Buildings conference, Scotland’s Learning Estate – Connecting People, Places and Learning by video, Edinburgh, Scotland. Nov, 2019.
- Bradbeer, C. (2019). Student voice and evolving spatial understandings. Paper presented at Talking Spaces 9: The Decade Ahead. Melbourne: The University of Melbourne, 21 February 2019. Slides
- Imms, W. Advancing change in education: the irrefutable role of evidence. Learning Environments Australasia, SA Chapter event, 2nd September, 2018. Slides
- Imms, W. Smart spaces, presented at Twilight Seminar Series, Edith Cowan University, Perth, WA. 4th April, 2018. Slides. Video
- Cattlin, J & Imms, W. (2017) Paving a pathway to impact:project management strategies to maximise collaboration, engagement and translation , Australian Research Management Society Annual Conference, Wellington: NZ.
- 2017 European Educational Research Association (ECER), Copenhagen, Denmark. Symposium format chaired by Prof. David Clarke (U of Melb.) with discussant Alastair Blyth (U of Westminster).
- Mahat, M. & Campbell, C. (2017). Making It Work: The Effective Use of Acoustics in Learning Spaces
- Cleveland, B., Leonard, R. & Horton, L. (2017).Embodying an Educational Vision in School Architecture: Untangling the Messy Business of Collaborative Translational Design.
- Newton, C., Fisher, K., Strickland-McGee, A. Kim, A. (2017). Facilitating Learning through Furniture and the Design of Learning Spaces.
- Imms, W., Steigler-Peters, S. & Smith, M. (2017). Developing Spatial Literacy through Advanced Communication Strategies.
- Mahat, M., Byers, T., Newton, C. & Imms, W. (2017). Innovative Learning Environments and their impact on learning and instruction.. Paper presented at the 2017 European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI), University of Tampere, Finland.
- The Innovative Learning Environment and Teachers Change Project (ILETC): What are we learning?Learning Environments Australasia Conference, Experience Asia, Singapore. July 2017. (Chris Bradbeer, Ben Cleveland, Marian Mahat and Wesley Imms)
- Auckland University of Technology, Innovative Learning Environments conference, 13-14th February 2017, Auckland. Slides.pdf
- Talking Spaces 7 9-10th February 2017, Melbourne.
- ‘Learning in complex environments’, Wesley Imms
- ‘Assessing the value of new learning spaces’. Wesley Imms
- ‘Evaluation through observation and feedback to users’. Terry Byers.
- International conference on school design and learning spaces for schools in the Third Millennium, Rome. December, 2016.
- Imms, W. (under review). Aligning pedagogy and space: An Australian evidence-based approach. Keynote address, in Proceedings of From the Classroom to the Learning Environment: International conference on school design and learning spaces for schools in the Third Millennium. Istituto Nazionale Documentazione Ricerca Educativa, Rome, Italy, December 13-14th, 2016.
- Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE), November 2016, Melbourne. Wes Imms and Marian Mahat will be presenting on How new are ‘new generation learning environments’? Emerging research on space and quality teaching and Current research in teacher practices in innovative learning environments. (LEaRN staff presentations at AARE)
- Australian Library and Information Association National Conference, Adelaide, August 2016. Joann Cattlin is presenting her research on communities of practice and academic libraries.
- Cattlin, J. & Mercieca, P. (2016) Fostering engagement with academic communities of practice: a new role for librarians (Peer reviewed paper)
- Learning Space Design-Aligning teaching & learning pedagogies to 21st century learning environment, May, Sydney. Wes Imms presented and conducted a workshop on current research in learning space design.
- New Generation Learning Space Design, 15-17 March, Melbourne. Wes Imms presented an overview of the project in the context of current research in learning environments, Utilising innovative learning environments to improve teaching skills.