Navigating the Mind Set Shift – Presentation by Dr Marian Mahat, Singapore 23 January, 2020

Navigating the Mind Set Shift: Using Physical Spaces to Develop Students’ 21st Century Learning Skills
23 January 2020 (Thursday) | 11am – 12noon
National Institute of Education, NIE5- LT11
Please click here to register.
The spaces within which students learn and teachers educate must play a role in equipping students with 21st century learning skills. Indeed, this has been the policy direction of governments around the world in recent years, who have invested billions of dollars in ‘innovative learning environments’—spaces whose designs are deemed superior to traditional classrooms in facilitating collaborative, communicative, creative and critical skills. These innovative spaces push teachers to rethink how students must learn into the coming decades and consequently, how teaching must change to facilitate this. This presentation is built on more than a decade of empirical research on learning environments at the University of Melbourne’s cross-disciplinary (Education, Architecture and Medicine) Learning Environments Applied Research Network. It will discuss how physical spaces can influence learning for the 21st century and how we can help support teachers to better understand the way the physical learning environment affects the quality of learning and teaching.
Dr Marian Mahat is a Senior Research Fellow at the University of Melbourne. She is the lead Research Fellow and Research Manager of an Australian Research Council Linkage Project, Innovative Learning Environments and Teacher Change (ILETC), a multi-disciplinary project involving 20 researchers and 17 partner organisations across four countries including departments of education, industry and schools in Australia, New Zealand, USA and Sweden. Additionally, she works with Australian and New Zealand schools to develop a Plans to Pedagogy program for school leaders and teachers. Working across multiple fields of inquiry, utilising innovative quantitative and qualitative methodologies and interdisciplinary collaboration with other universities, industry and schools, she has worked on multiple collaborative projects, written numerous publications and presented in conferences in education. She is highly passionate about building capacity and capability of academic staff at universities. She is series editor of the Surviving and Thriving in Academia and book editor of Achieving Academic Promotion published by Emerald.