Proceedings of Transitions 18 now available

The proceedings, which includes many of the papers presented at the 3 Transitions 18 events held in Melbourne, Phoenix and Copenhagen, is now available. This volume brings together the research of both emerging and experienced researchers from a wide range of discipline areas and countries. It includes chapters by keynotes Julia Atkins and Phil Idle as well as results from the data collection conducted at the Phoenix and Copenhagen events by the ILETC team.
The Transitions symposia in 2017, 2018 and 2019 have played an important role in informing the ILETC research as well as generating connections with researchers, teachers and architects across the world. By publishing these papers free and online we hope this research reaches a wider audience and can help inform the journey schools and architects make in developing new learning spaces.
We would like to thank the many people involved in presenting, hosting and supporting the Transitions 18 events and in particular the authors for contributing their research to this publication.