Transitions 18 call for presentations now open

We are excited to announce that the call for abstracts for presentations at the Transitions 18 events is now OPEN.
We invite Masters and PhD students and early career researchers from all disciplines, with a focus on design and use of learning environments, to submit an abstract at one of the 3 events, addressing one of the following questions:
What are teachers doing (well) when transitioning from traditional classrooms to innovative learning
- What strategies are teachers using that are working in ILEs?
- How do teachers adjust to changes in learning spaces?
- How might we enable people, practice, and place when transitioning from traditional classrooms to innovative learning environments?
- What examples are there of effective learning environments in schools?
- What are the challenges for teachers/students in adapting to new spaces?
Full details are available here.
UPDATE: Melbourne event call for abstracts now extended to 15th March.