Learning from experiences of others

The experiences of developing and teaching in innovative learning environments vary greatly between schools, education sectors, across states and countries. However we know from talking to teachers and principals that there are also many shared challenges, opportunities and outcomes. While our project will collect evidence and develop a detailed picture of these, the processes of research, by necessity, takes time.
We know that many schools are seeking information,expertise and insights now and are keen to learn from the experiences of others. To facilitate sharing of knowledge, between teachers and schools we have created a simple webpage for case studies. The information collected will be made publicly available. Publication of case studies does not constitute endorsement or recommendation of particular approaches. The intention is to facilitate peer to peer networking.
To contribute your school’s case study complete the simple online form. We will format responses as a one page case study, and after checking with you, publish these on our site. You can choose to list a contact email, to enable other schools to send follow up inquiries.