The Queensland Department of Education and Training is interested in maximising learning outcomes and supporting greater understanding of the opportunities provided in physical and digital learning environments.
- Online resources for teachers
- The Learning Place website is a comprehensive eLearning environment providing secure access to an innovative range of digital tools, resources and online spaces for teaching and learning, collaboration and networking
- Smart Classrooms policy and portal supports development of teachers and resources for students.
- Schools with Flexible Learning Spaces:
- Cedar Creek State School embraces flexible learning spaces and digital technology.
- A range of online subject specific contemporary practice resources for schools.
- An enterprise data management system that covers students and includes school, student and class data dashboards. These include learning results, special considerations and programs, attendance, family information and health requirements.
- Research partner on Future Proofing Schools, ARC Linkage Project, 2010-2012 with The University of Melbourne.
Brisbane State High School Redevelopment, A4LE 2016 Award winner. Photo: Portfyri Photography