Day 1
Opening address, Wesley Imms ILETC Lead Chief Investigator. Slides.
Policy and Design
- Caroline Morrison (Aust) New Generation Learning Environment policy enactment:Processes of translation in leader practices.
- Qusai Anteet (Aust) The Resistance to Transformational Changes by Built Public Schools.
- John R. Dale (USA) Planning for Changing Pedagogies-Flexible Facility Design.
School Culture
- Emily Nelson & Leigh Johnson (NZ) ILEs as social assemblages: implications for initial teacher education.
- Marian Mahat, Joanne Blannin & Wesley Imms (Aust) Plans to Pedagogy:Engaging Teachers in Innovative Learning Environments.
- Maxine Galante, Melissa Chadwick & Kate Woods (Aust) Unlearning: being comfortable with being uncomfortable at Margaret Hendry School.
- Kym Thomas (Aust) Re-designing the classroom and the impact on the classroom milieu.
Teacher Change
- Aileen Strickland-McGee & Ambroise D’Hauteville (USA/Hong Kong) Step by step: an educators expedition of evolution.
- Ase Tieva, Maria Ronnlund & Peter Bergstrom (Sweden) The Implementation and practice of ALC. A Swedish case study.
- Marie Leijon, Ase Tieva, Andreas Nilsson & Elisabet Malvebo (Sweden) Teacher designing teaching in flexible higher education learning spaces.
Day 2
Student Voice
- Nadine Slingsby & Lisa Jacka (Aust) Listen Up! how student voice encourages pedagogical changes in ILEs.
- Lisiane Closs & Sidimar Sagaz (Brazil) Learning environments in schools of creative activities in Brazil.
- Nicolas Little (Aust) Enhancing adaptability in grade 9 boys through task-based learning.
- Mariagrazia Marcarini, Chiara Filios & Arnaldo Arnaldi (Italy) Students’ self-organised design of educational environments through work-related learning.
Student learning & experience
- Mario Chiasson (Canada) Space, competency, process education, flexible classroom, classroom.
- Lisiane Closs, Marian Mahat, Wesley Imms (Brazil/Australia) Learning environments and students experience in higher education.
- Carly Thornton (Aust) We shape our buildings: thereafter they shape us.
- Angela Page & Jennifer Charteris (Aust) Potential opportunities for inclusive education in ILEs – a chance too good to miss.
Day 3
ILETC PhD student videos
- Dion Tuckwell – Making space – A journey into teacher practice
- Dan Murphy – Relationships between learning approaches and teacher mind frame in innovative and traditional learning environments
- Ethel Villafranca – ILETC Teacher transition pathway
- Fiona Young – Learning environment affordances
- Raechel French – Ensuring the fidelity of initial school vision through use of strategic organizational supports
- Mark Osborne – Change leadership framework
- Vicky Leighton – Teaching space: Teacher spatial competency