ILETC survey findings on types and uses of ILEs in Aust and NZ schools

The report on our findings from the survey of school principals conducted late last year, is now available here. This report provides evidence of the actual ‘state of play’ of the nature of school spaces in Australia and New Zealand (NZ).
Findings, based on principals’ perceptions, indicated that in this sample of schools:
(1) traditional classrooms were the dominant classroom type, amounting to approximately 75% of all spaces;
(2) the dominant teaching approach was characteristics of teacher-led pedagogies;
(3) participants from schools with a higher prevalence of traditional classroom spaces reported a lower assessment along the teacher mind frame continuum, with the reverse in more flexible learning spaces; and
(4) students in traditional classrooms exhibited less deep learning characteristics, with the opposite in more flexible learning environments.
The study concluded that while this research was dependent on the perceptions of leading teachers, the response rate and framing of the questions indicates that there existed evidence of a relationship between types of learning environments, teaching practices, teacher mind frames, and student deep learning.