New report from ILETC – defining key concepts

Today we release our latest report – Innovative Learning Environments and Teacher Change – Defining key concepts (Technical Report No. 3).
This report by Marian Mahat, Chris Bradbeer, Terry Byers and Wesley Imms (with contributions from across our team) explores current knowledge and provides agreed understanding of key concepts for the project: innovative learning environments, teacher mind frames and student deep learning. It is a synthesis of the literature relevant to our project and connects this with the evidence collected through our survey and workshops. The process of researching and writing this report has given our team of researchers and PhD students a better understanding of where we are situated in a broad landscape.
This report is part of an ongoing discussion – more of a topological survey than a road map. It provides our team, project partners and our wider network with a basis for moving on to our next phase of activities: developing resources to support teachers’ use of learning spaces.