Stories of change and leadership – Bellevue Hill Public School

In 2015, faced with the challenge of a new building to be constructed with purpose built classrooms designed for an open plan flexible layout, Sue Bennett, Principal, Bellevue Hill PS was faced with the challenge of developing the capacity of teachers to teach in these open spaces.
Visit Bellevue Hill Public School, 12 September 2017 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM and hear her story about the use of transformational and distributed leadership to empower her staff, to not only teach in teams across a grade but learn how leadership has been developed amongst teachers to inspire and guide others as well. In 2017, all 24 classes moved into the new purpose built classrooms and the story continues about how teachers are adapting to this challenge. Read more and register….
Learning Environments Australasia is a membership driven organisation of over 700 architects, educators, planners, researchers and designers across Australia, New Zealand and Singapore. It advocates for innovation in learning spaces in order to increase teaching and learning outcomes. The organisation uses events, conferences and site visits to share best practice and build knowledge around the development of quality learning environments.
Learning Environments Australasia is a proud partner in the ILETC Project. To find out about events or join the association visit their website.