New project seeking NSW school – acoustics and learning

Are you interested in doing some research with us?
The learning spaces research group at the University of Melbourne that is running ILETC, is collaborating with the Federal Government’s National Acoustic Laboratories on a focused study into the effect of acoustics on student learning outcomes.
The proposed project would fall under the Plans to Pedagogy project, an ILETC affiliate project. P2P has 11 schools across Australia and New Zealand undertaking specialist research into a range of learning environments issues pertinent to their particular circumstances. Acoustics is an area we are keen to investigate further. We are seeking a paying partnership with a NSW school to develop, implement, and disseminate findings from a study of this type, over a three-year period.
The NAL and our University of Melbourne team are keen to receive EOIs from any NSW school interested in isolating an acoustic problem within their learning environments and researching solutions that will build solid evidence around this issue. The project would become one of P2Ps community of research schools and gain support from our group’s body of experts into learning environment design and use. Most importantly, Dr Kiri Mealings from the NAL would be the principal researcher, bringing exceptional expertise to the study. We will need to find a school located NSW.
If you are interested, please email us. There is a fee-recovery cost to the project, spread across three years.
Wesley Imms, PhD
Associate Professor, Spatial Pedagogies
Director, Learning Environments Applied Research Network@MGSE|