Announcing Transitions 2018

We are very excited to announce that we will hold 3 international Transitions events again in 2018 showcasing current research by graduate students, academics and practioners.
- 1st June @ University of Melbourne, Australia.
- 8 & 9th Oct @ Canyon View High School, Phoenix, Arizona, USA.
- 15 & 16th Oct @ University College, Copenhagen, Denmark.
These events will build on the highly successful events this year by focusing on the key challenges and innovations in learning environments internationally. We welcome the support once again, of our partners in this years events, Ecophon, Steelcase and DLR Group.
These events are also supported by the Aqua Fria Union High School District, who are providing their soon to be completed Canyon View High School in Phoenix, Arizona and Ecophon, at the Carlsberg campus of University College.
Further details on the event theme, call for abstracts and registration will be released in early February for all events. Save the dates in your calendar. Sign up to our newsletter (left sidebar) to receive updates.