Transitions 19 one journey, many pathways – call for abstracts now open

Transitions 19, 2-4th October, 2019. Melbourne, Australia.
Closing date for abstracts extended to 5pm (Aust EST) Monday 10th June.
Transitions 19 begins with a proposition – research is showing innovative learning environments (ILEs) are not a magic cure, but evidence is mounting that they constitute a powerful tool that – if used well – improves student educational experiences. We can now say schools (and teachers) navigate a transformative journey as they reimagine their learning spaces.
We will invite academics, professionals, Masters and PhD students (or recent graduates) undertaking research to submit abstracts for 15-minute presentations which address these central questions and addressing one or more of the following themes:
- What is involved in making the journey from traditional to innovative learning environments?
- What is the latest research telling us about how teachers can be helped on this journey?
Presentations should address one or more of the following:
• Teaching approaches for effective learning in ILEs
• Designing for learning – linking educational vision and design
• Furniture choice and learning
• Utilising technology to maximise usefulness of ILEs
• Creating effective sound environments
• Building teachers spatial competencies
• Recognising and effectively utilizing affordances of well-designed and established ILEs.
Transitions 19 will feature research presentations, in-depth discussions, ILETC workshops and presentations and visits to local innovative schools. The participants will be teachers, designers, researchers, government education authorities – in fact anyone committed to making school spaces work well.
Further details on the event and process for submissions is here.