Author: Joann Cattlin


Timeless Learning – a review

In this guest post Joann Cattlin reviews Timeless Learning – How Imagination, Observation and Zero-Based Thinking Change Schools by by Ira Socol, Pam Moran and Chad Ratcliff. Timeless Learning by Ira Socol, Pam Moran and...


What is Transitions?

Our project is hosting an international series of research symposia this year – Transitions18, with upcoming events in Phoenix, Arizona on 8-9th October and Copenhagen 15-16th October.  These events focus on how teachers are...


New fact sheets – defining key terms

We recently published Technical Report 3/2018 Defining key concepts, which is a synthesis of academic studies and articles that have informed key underpinnings to our project.  We have just released 3 new fact sheets...


Transitions18 presenters announced

Details of presenters to feature in the upcoming Transitions18 events in Phoenix and Copenhagen are now available. Each program will feature presentations by graduate students and researchers exploring the transition from traditional to innovative...


Open learning spaces and acoustics

Acoustics in learning spaces is an important issue – one that is often the subject of heated debates on the value of flexible and open learning spaces in schools. We are working with our...